Simple, Natural & Timeless

When describing our Frozen Greek Yogurt to people and telling people the story of how TruJoy Yogurt came to be, I often say ‘we use simple, natural & timeless ingredeints to make our Frozen Greek Yogurt.” We have seen food products made with simple & natural ingredients replace a ton of the items we grew up eating. But with so much emphasis on product innovation, we seldom hear anything about using timeless ingredients.

In this post, I thought it would be worth unpacking timelessness and how it applies to TruJoy Yogurt and how it can apply to you and your pursuit of a balanced and healthy lifestyle. Websters Dictionary defines timeless as ‘not affected by the passage of time or changes in fashion’. We hope that TruJoy Yogurt, from the ingredients we use to the nutrition it provides, is a timeless treat for you and yours for years to come!

New diets and new fitness routines are great, but they are too often temporary. When you think of a diet, you think of a six week program that will help you shed a few pounds after the holiday season or pack on some lean muscle. There is no doubt that these diets are great tools to help you get on track but are they sustainable? Diets as we know them are extreme and short lived and folks tend to revert to their old ways as soon as they are over, putting them right back where they started. Instead of a diet, maybe it’s better to take a more balanced lifestyle approach and choose foods and fitness routines that you can adhere to through the seasons and years.

This is not to disparage lifestyles ranging from plant-based to carnivore or health trends from keto to high-carb, they all have their merits. But these trends can be difficult to follow and are often short lived. Maybe it’s time take on a balanced diet and lifestyle than can be sustainable for you and yes… timeless.

The ingredients we use in our Frozen Greek Yogurt are nothing new - Greek Yogurt, Milk, Cream, Cane Sugar and Plant Based Stabilizers make up our base. And we only use fruit and other natural flavor extracts to create our delicious flavors. We take pride in the natural simplicity of our ingredients - ingredients that we have been consuming since the beginning of time!

TruJoy Yogurt isn’t trying to be something it is not. We don’t claim that our frozen treat is some sort of elixir that will give you eternal life. But we can honestly say that we only use natural ingredients and can confidently claim that our Frozen Greek Yogurt is nutritionally balanced. We hope that this is a winning and timeless combination!


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